TSN-5G Integration
In many industrial use cases, for example within the discrete manufacturing context, challenging requirements related to reliability, latency and determinism are put on the communication networks. In the last 70 years we’ve seen an evolution from 4-20mA current loops, over field buses and industrial Ethernet systems towards open ICT standards developed within the IEEE Time-Sensitive Networking group.

Fraunhofer FOKUS
One of the key elements for the success of 5G in factory environments is the adoption of deterministic communication at network level. This includes:
- Establishment of a dedicated Ethernet bearer: ultra-reliable and low latency
- Bringing 5G system clock information to UPF (TSN-TT) and to UEs (TSN-TT)
- Establishing time delay (RateRatio) of the 5G TSN bridge
- Store and forward functionality in both the UE and UPF